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GP Products

Spherical, Standard & Custom

Conforma adds IK-Bridge to it's custom Bridge design series.


Conforma continues to respond to practitioner requests for more complex custom designs for post-surgical and irregular corneas. Refractive surgery, corneal transplants and other conditions resulting in atypical corneal topographies, have left a small percentage of patients with unresolved fitting or visual acuity problems. The original RK-Bridge and PK-Bridge designs were developed years ago to better accommodate the shape of post-surgical corneas. The reverse aspheric, flat-steep-flat shape of the Bridge designs have proven very helpful to both refractive surgery and corneal transplant patients. GP lens specialists have continued to stretch our manufacturing capability by requesting more complex design features, customized to each individual patient. As a specialty GP laboratory, Conforma has always attempted to respond to custom design requests.


IK-Bridge is our latest addition to the Bridge series of reverse aspheric designs. Updated equipment combined with a willingness to respond to new fitting and design ideas has made IK-Bridge possible. IK-Bridge combines the reverse aspheric technology with zonal toric shapes to better accommodate even more complex central, intermediate, and peripheral corneal surfaces. The IK-Bridge design will enable you to customize intermediate and peripheral curves systems to accommodate asymmetrical steepening, flattening, toricity, or all of the above.Regardless of the specific fitting application, the reverse aspheric bridge designs have greatly improved the quality of vision for many previously unsuccessful contact lens patients with irregular or surgically altered corneas. 

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